I've been social distancing at home for over two weeks now. The feelings of worry, gratitude, anxiety, and hopefulness sway throughout the week, but I'm keeping myself active, creative, and positive as much as I can.

I've been thankfully keeping busy with work; focusing on new ways to message that Quilt is currently free and continuing to be a virtual space for women to connect in community from wherever they are. It has been a saving grace for me at off hours when I'm done working for the day. Since it is just me and David, I need to see friendly faces and get some female-energy and support. There's only so much Call of Duty and video games I could watch. Which leads me to a few ideas I've been participating in. Hopefully, it helps you wherever you may be quarantining.
Make goals. Before anything, is there something you've been wanting to accomplish, but haven't had the time? For me, it was re-grouting my bathroom. I had all the supplies, but never the time to do it so that was one of the first action items on my to-do list. After about four hours, my task was complete! Now, I'm fully enjoying and appreciating my bathroom. Next up on my list: sewing a bedsheet into a small curtain for the laundry room.
Organize. Be it your kitchen pantry, your closet, or your garage. This is the time to review what you have and let go of what no longer serves you. Also, it is a way to get rid of that can of three year old expired pinto beans that were in the back of your pasta drawer. If you are going through your closet, throw out or recycle as necessary. Anything that is lightly worn can be donated to Goodwill. Or, if you are looking to make some extra cash (or cash in general) create a Depop or Poshmark account to sell your item(s).
Get creative. I've always loved painting as a means to express myself and get out of my head. With quarantine and less interaction with people I've been in my head. Painting is a way of releasing those thoughts and creating something. With every new piece I create I remind myself to create without judgement and in the word of Bob Ross "there are no mistakes, only happy accidents" so I've been more appreciative about the colorful pieces I make and less worries about what others will think of my skills.
Sweat. I'm keeping up with personal training with virtual sessions, but since I'm always in the house I need a bit more movement to balance the amount of long walks to the fridge. I've started watching BodyDada livestreams and it has been.a game changer. Their instructors are motivational and high energy - all classes are donation based.
Read. I used to read on my commute to work. Since that commute is now 0 minutes, I've been reading much less - I'm not counting my phone because that's too much screen time for my eyes. I' starting up 'Just Kids' by Patti Smith again; one of my favorite books. I've seen some virtual book clubs out there and I'm curious to try one.
Play. On the theme of reducing screen time, check your closet for a board game or playing cards. I'm planning a game night with David for an evening of Simpsons themed chess. Setting up an activity as an event gives you something to look forward to. I add it to the calendar on our fridge and everything.
Dance. I've been seeing DJs around the world participate in livestreams for a dance party and let me say this is SUCH a fun way to let loose and have fun at home. Or, set up a virtual dance party with friends by setting a theme, creating a playlist, and have a dance off.
Dress up. This could be considered a way to get creative. During my first week of quarantine, I exclusively wore my PJs. That didn't work for me - it made the days blend into each other and it gave me barely any time away from a screen. My fix? Get dressed up as if I'm going out and have fun with it. Man Repeller has an excellent hashtag to get you inspired.
Shop. Actually shop or what I like to do is tab shop, where I browse online, like things, think about where I'd wear the item and continue on without buying. I haven't bought anything during quarantine, though I did donate to a few places (50% of my Poshmark sales). I'm trying to save like most people, but I still want to support small businesses so I've bookmarked a few items and plan to purchase in a few days. Another idea is ordering from your local restaurant so you get to shop for a delicious meal (or snack).
Learn. Take this time to learn a new language or a topic you're interested in. Harvard and Yale are offering free courses (what, like it's hard?) and public libraries have free resources your can access from home. I'm attempting to learn how to play the piano.