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1 Month Reflection: January

Well, I didn't stick to my resolution of posting to my blog more, BUT! I did stick to my other resolutions so that has to count for something right?? I figured I'd take a moment to reflect on what I did this month.

  • I didn't drink alcohol. At all. Honestly, cutting alcohol was easier than I thought it would be. I do enjoy a glass or two of either red wine or mezcal, but I don't miss drinking either of them. I can only imagine how many calories and dollars I've saved from cutting that out for the month.

  • I got my first SEO hit for my website. It may seem like nothing, but knowing my SEO is working is exciting!

  • I got several messages from my website 'contact me' section. Again, it may not be super exciting, but it is so cool people want to connect with me via the interwebs!

  • I saw Lady Gaga in concert. If you know me you know I am a Lady Gaga fangirl and 'Little Monster' since 2008. I think I've seen this woman live at least 11 times since then. Anyways, I went to Las Vegas (checking off 2019 resolution #5) to see her Enigma and Jazz/Piano show. Yes, I got tickets for both. She was obviously amazing, but the best part was meeting new friends, getting dress up and exploring Vegas a little more. Plus, thrifting out there is perfection. I got a strappy Versace-inspired coin dress that I'll be wearing soon.

  • I posted more unfiltered content. And by unfiltered I shared that I have vitiligo on an Instagram post and posted how excited I was about finding girl scout cookies (and showcased the ridiculous amount I bought), sang badly to Gaga's songs during her show and got EXTRA on my walks to the show all on Instagram Stories. Plus! I got over 1k likes on each of my Gaga-Vegas posts, which is pretty cool for someone who has 5k followers. Niche hashtags FTW.

  • I consistently took my vitamins for a solid 3 weeks. I fell off that wagon, but am back on since I feel the symptoms of not taking them.

  • Met a new friend from Instagram IRL. I've met a few people from the internet in real life and each time has been great since I'm not always able to talk about either content creation or social media with my friends because that isn't their industry or hobby.

  • Hosted the first Evite IRL of 2019. After over a month off, Julian and I went back to going live on Facebook with a very special guest, Chudney Ross of Books and Cookies LA. It was great to meet Chudney - her energy is so positive and contagious! Plus, she read to us a little bit and honestly I could listen to her for hours she's so warm and animated.

  • I figured out what I want to blog about. There is SO much to talk about, but after reading different posts in Facebook Groups and forums I realized I need to dial back so I don't feel so overwhelmed about posting. So, for the next few months I'm going to blog about my expertise as a social media manager and...thrifting. I thrift for myself and not necessarily to re-sell so sharing my purchases and tips might be helpful to people just starting out.

January was a nice start to the new year. Here's to writing a little more in February.



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